After reading the first article in the " affiliate marketing have explained "series, the fundamentals and vocabulary, I would like to go over the first important step.
The idea is to find the topic of your own affiliate website, generally referred to as a niche.
Because this definition of the niche is very important for the subsequent implementation of the affiliate website. Then the design of the site, the selection of affiliate programs, content, marketing, etc. based
Let's get out to find the right niche.
What is a niche?
To get straight to the point, there is not a generally accepted definition of a niche.
If you are looking to Google, you will find a wide variety of definitions. The one makes it on to the number of visitors, the other on the periphery of the subject, and the third to something else.
I define a niche like this, as well as Wikipedia does. It says something like: "A niche market in a part of a market that is not yet or insufficiently served by the competition."
Applied to the Internet, I would define it as follows: "A niche website includes a special topic, which is so far from other websites not operated or only inadequate."
Thus, from a niche market but one niche market is, we need a further condition. It must be economically profitable!
And so I would optimum affiliate niche defined as follows: "An optimal affiliate niche covers a topic that has relatively little competition, a lot of visitors and a lot of revenue potential."
Affiliate Niche find
To find a niche for affiliate website differs somewhat from finding a niche blog. This is simply because that affiliate site is managed as a rule, quite different from a blog.
While in the blog daily writes, an affiliate site is not maintained as regularly. Usually depends less lifeblood of a affiliate website, so that one can safely go to the slightly different niche selection.
Nevertheless, it is obviously not first seek to wrong issues where you know your self. This has the advantage that it is relatively simple and fast as well can create content.
But as you can see in my definition of an affiliate niche, especially three factors are important:competition , attendance and revenue potential
How can I investigate this?
Niche Research
- Theme Ideas
First I gather my theme ideas. These can be things that interest me or that I'm stumbled as the internet. The ideas usually have in common is that I am interested in them and me as well as more or less well-versed. But now and then there are also themed ideas that are completely new to me.In addition, it is also worthwhile to look for trends that could fit for an affiliate site. In addition I have already written a detailed article: " Current trends find and use "So you can for example on eBay look very good, which is currently doing quite well and since it may be worthwhile to start an affiliate site. - Attendance
Then I look at how many people are also interested in these topics. After all, a niche can not be too small, or you will indeed at position 1 on Google, but can still be found only 100 people per month to a.
This can be done the " Google AdWords Keyword Tool to use. " Even Google Trends is quite useful, as you will also see seasonal fluctuations.Very interesting I find the new " Google keyword tool based on search queries . " The possibility that on the left side provides select categories and subcategories.
So you can for example, in the category "Computer => Computer Accessories => Computer Cables" go and get a long list of keywords listed. This then is the number of searches per month, the strength of the AdWords competition and estimated cost per click.Is the number of visitors for a theme idea too large, then one should consider splitting up the subject again. - Competition
, the strength of competition can be analyzed not as clear. Of course, you should check first if there are any websites or blogs that deal with the topic in question. This one can search in Google for the main keywords and analyze directories, such as Yahoo.How good is the competition, possible, eg with the Firefox plugin " SEO for Firefoxanalyze ". If you active the plugin, then the Google search result is supplemented by interesting information, such as Pagerank, Alexa value backlinks of different search engines, domain age, and other values.That just looks very good, whether the rather specialized niche sites, or more general, but for large sites are.Google Suggest, which is the automatic recommendation of Google when entering keywords is also a good opportunity to check out the competition. In addition, one comes so again on new niche ideas. Simply go to and enter something in the search box.In the ideal case, the competition is not very strong, no matter how specialized, as one himself intends. There are already very specialized websites on the subject, then you should change the subject, or at least the approach (instead of online role playing games such as online racing games) - Revenue potential
The third important factor is the revenue potential. A niche may be ever so interesting, because if you can not make money, then that is uninteresting from affiliate perspective.To determine whether you can make money with a niche topic, you should visit as the affiliate networks and there look for the theme. Are there any affiliate programs that fit the theme own good?But the analysis of the AdSense prices is interesting. What is expected cost per click there for their own keywords?In addition, you should take a look at major online stores such as Amazon throw. Are there products that fit the niche topic?
The search for a suitable affiliate niche is thus based on the following key principles:
- Niche ideas find
- Visitor numbers sufficient?
- How strong is the competition?
- What can you earn in this topic?
Soft factors
In addition to this analysis, but one should not forget the soft factors in the search for an affiliate niche.
So it is worth most, friends and acquaintances to listen. They often talk about wants and needs, which can be implemented in any affiliate sites.
Because that's the most important. People have to have a need that they want to be satisfied by the purchase of a product (sale) or the details of contact (lead).
But the visitors existing websites and blogs often give clues as to what they would like you. So you can see by careful observation of the online and offline world needs and gaps in the market.
Thus, a gap in the market may simply be a lack of knowledge. So there are products that satisfy the corresponding requirements. Only the audience knows nothing about. With a special niche sites can to change that.
I already have a website / blog
Many readers of this series will probably already have a website or blog. They start not from the ground up with the search for a topic on.
Even if you are there already bound a little, it does not hurt to check in for the topic or topics of your website / blog to your affiliate suitability. Possibly. find so there is a matching additional issue, which can integrate it and very good for affiliate marketing is.
If you want to actually make affiliate marketing (and not just blogging, with a bit of affiliate marketing), then you should investigate the choice of the topic very carefully and find the optional ideas.
If you find issues where the three factors look very good (traffic, competition and revenue potential), then one has ever laid a very good foundation.
In the next part of the affiliate marketing series looking at the affiliate networks. I will show what these and what the advantages and disadvantages of these networks.
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