- What is AdWords and how is it a success?
- Initial planning and AdWords Create account
- AdWords Express - Is it worth the local Google advertising?
What is Google AdWords?
First of all, let me introduce Google AdWords. No doubt many will already know what it is, and this is, skip this section.
Google AdWords is a very easy way to turn advertising on the Internet.
Google AdWords has become really successful because we could turn four-line text ads alongside the regular search results in Google's search engine.
Meanwhile, you can also use image ads, and you can make your ads outside the Google search engine in turn tens of thousands of websites participating in the Google Display Network.
For this article series I will limit myself but to text ads in the Google search results on google.com.
It is not easy to explain how Google AdWords works in detail.
Therefore, here are a few key points simplified in order to understand the basic principle:
- Is a user enters a keyword in the Google search, which I have applied for my AdWords ad, then see my ad in this result.
- You pay only when a user on one's own AdWords ad clicks (PPC = Pay Per Click).
- The position of the ads and the cost per click will be automatically calculated and put together by many factors such as competition, bid, quality, etc. together.
This is very simplified the operating principle of the AdWords ads on Google.de.
In practice it is more complicated and requires a lot of fine tuning, so that the display Google AdWords ads worth the extra mile.
Why and when should you use Google Adwords?
Basically, AdWords is primarily in the business sector. Finally, it is basically "just" a promotional tool, which of course costs money.
Those who buy goods or services sold or offered on the Internet, with Google AdWords has a promotional tool available that offers many advantages over other online advertising (eg banner) and especially compared to offline advertising.
If you Google AdWords optimally geared to the target group and their intent to purchase, then you get in the traffic, which is very high quality. Because search engine users are actively looking for something, and have a need. Ideally, this need is met then.
I go further down still on the pros and cons, but would like to mention that AdWords is very transparent. You can see exactly what it cost a visitor about AdWords and how many of those visitors then as bought something.
Google AdWords are therefore particularly suitable for those who sell directly on the Internet, and thus something to measure the conversion rate immediately and directly. But other goals, such as RFQ, mailing list entry, etc. can be tracked using AdWords. Since the measurement of success will be a little more complicated.
Pros and Cons of Google AdWords
Google AdWords is not an automatic or a panacea. There are some advantages and disadvantages, which you should be aware of.
Benefits of AdWords
- As I said, Google AdWords is very transparent. You can see exactly what the cost, and have brought them to sales.
- AdWords ads are created quickly and easily.
- Google provides all the necessary tools to the creation, optimization and analysis of their own AdWords ads.
- If you do it right, then it is a very cheap method of advertising.
- The AdWords ads alongside Google search results are widely accepted. Users can see this kind of as not as pushy as other promotional material on the Web.
Disadvantages of AdWords
- The statement "Easy to learn, hard to master" shall also apply to Google AdWords. You have to take care of regularly. Many of the above benefits occur only if one of the "advertisers create and forget" method adopted.
- Those who are not on it and enters an important basic rules not observed can pay hard way (in the truest sense of the word).
- Click fraud is a problem. Here competitors click (partially automatic) your ads away for so long until your budget is exhausted. But even for that, there are solutions.
- Unfortunately, in Germany there is no real alternative to Google AdWords because Google dominates the search engine market so so.
- AdWords works only if a specific interest or need exists. Entirely new products, according to which no one is looking, can be difficult to promote through AdWords.
I think that overall the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. It is important, however, that Google AdWords seriously and thus truly regularly employs. Otherwise quickly outweigh the disadvantages.
Success with AdWords
How do you set Google AdWords for now successfully?
Basically, three factors lead to a successful AdWords circuit:
- Keywords
Choosing the right keywords is critical for those who see their own AdWords ads. That is why the keyword research is very important. - Display
the AdWords ad is also very important. For it is only when it is optimally designed, the user click on it. - Landing Page
The landing page is the page that users land on when you click on the AdWords ad. There then decides whether the user buys something eg.
Only if your keywords, ad, and landing page are perfectly matched, it is worth the AdWords circuit.
Then users can see the right (for example, with concrete buying interest) the own ad and click on it (click through rate). And the landing page then makes possible part (conversion rate) of these users what the entrepreneur wants (eg buy a product). To optimize these 3 elements much testing is necessary.
The ROI is then at the end the important thing. This is calculated as follows:
ROI = (Profit / AdWords costs) * 100
ROI = (Profit / AdWords costs) * 100
ROI must focus on these advertisers. Many look but only on click rates and click rates. This is wrong. Even high click rates may be worthwhile and low click rates may ensure that you do Lousy.
My experience with AdWords Goodle
The question is whether I for this article series at all the right bin is certainly justified.
I'm not a full-time SEM or rather SEA expert. I optimize not around the clock AdWords ads.
Instead, I gained some customer projects over the last years experience and many, though not all seen.
I think, therefore, that I am well suited for a beginner series on AdWords. As a professional who knows everything about AdWords, I will represent not sure.
AdWords Tutorial for Beginners
As written, this series of articles is aimed at newcomers to the subject.
There is no secret professional tips or inside information.
Instead, I place great emphasis on the basics. I go step by step through creating a successful AdWords campaign.
I attach great importance to simplicity. It will only rotate text ads on Google.com.
Who controls the basic functions and mechanisms of Google AdWords, which can be very successful.
That's why I'm going to special features and special professional options until the very end of the series to take a look.
This also has the advantage that this series of articles is useful as long as possible. For changes and new features usually change almost nothing about the basic function of AdWords.
I have received your questions and content requirements in the planning of the article series, and hope that I can answer many of them.
So it continues
in part 2 of AdWords tutorial deals with the design and the first steps in AdWords .
Before the display AdWords, you should know what one wants to achieve.
Moreover I show the registration and account setup in detail in AdWords and also show how you can redeem his Google AdWords voucher. So you can then first enter it without financial risk to AdWords.
If you are not a 50, - Euro AdWords coupon has to cancel this request quickly * so it is up to the next part then also arrived.
Until then.
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