When Google bought YouTube in 2006 for about 1.6 billion dollars, many were skeptical.
It was considered risky purchase, but now the critics are silenced.
Youtube is the most successful video portal in the world and is one of the highest-traffic websites in general.
Of course this has also meant that you can earn good money on Youtube. In this article I present options and go like a special on the YouTube partner program.
Can you make money with YouTube?
For a long time it was not so easy to earn on Youtube money. It was above all the traffic that came from Youtube, you could monetize the.
Meanwhile, also on Youtube but really deserves a lot of money themselves. Onreadwrite.com there is a infographic that shows, among other things, that the 1,000 largest Youtube Channels earn an average of $ 23,000 a month.
What is realistic?
Even if the number of 23,000 dollars a month sounds very good, but one must be realistic. As German Youtube publishers of course you have a much smaller audience, as is the case in the English section.
Moreover, it has mentioned infographic that these 1,000 channels in a month published 30,000 videos (ie on average per day per video channel) and have thus generated 11.3 billion views.German channels thereof are still far away.
Youtube should not see too optimistic and also to be aware that it takes time until you have built up a large subscriber base and the necessary video-view numbers achieved to earn notable amounts.
The Youtube Partner
Previously you had to apply and were only included large, active and successful channels.
Now everybody Youtube channel enable monetization.
These do you register in his Youtube account, go into the Settings item and finds the "Channel Settings" and then monetize.
Among them you can still find a few FAQs.
In the next step you can choose the display formats that you want to use in your own videos.
On the other are promotional videos that are displayed in front of their own video.
In a small preview window you can see how these ads are placed about.
Additionally, there is a banner ad to the right of the video.
Already located in the channel videos are checked and if necessary automatically enabled for monetization. This can of course do it manually and later with new videos each select whether you want to have advertising there or not.
A green button with dollar sign indicates that there is in this video advertising.
AdSense account
The YouTube Partner Program is really nothing more than AdSense for Video. Therefore, one must be adsense account connect to his YouTube account in order to make money with his videos.
If you use the same login information, or you have previously taken a shortcut, then select Youtube itself from the AdSense account and you have to do anything.
Is not the case, you have to again to the "monetization" go into the settings and there in the FAQ on the question "How do I get paid?" Button. There you will find the link "Combine an AdSense account." Quite hidden.
The steps you will follow in the future, you can get easy and then monthly through AdSense revenue from its own Youtube channel credited.
Incidentally, you can link multiple YouTube channels with an AdSense account.
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